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[Sphenix-run-l] Questions about luminosity status and targets -- answers
- From: Jamie Nagle <jamie.nagle AT colorado.edu>
- To: sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: [Sphenix-run-l] Questions about luminosity status and targets -- answers
- Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 12:47:27 -0400
Hello All,

A few people have asked over the last week about the status of RHIC and the delivered luminosity compared to the goals for the run.
Of course, so far we have integrated zero luminosity with the TPC, and are just starting this past week with rare event triggers for photons and jets in the calorimeters. However, each week at the RHIC Coordination meeting, C-AD shows an updated version of the following plot (shown below and a link to the Indico posted slides from this past Tuesday).
Of course, so far we have integrated zero luminosity with the TPC, and are just starting this past week with rare event triggers for photons and jets in the calorimeters. However, each week at the RHIC Coordination meeting, C-AD shows an updated version of the following plot (shown below and a link to the Indico posted slides from this past Tuesday).

You can see that as of this past Tuesday, it is near the lower end of the projection band. However, in the last couple of blue points, you see a clear uptick as they returned to 111x111 bunches and resolved much of the emittance problem.
Where does that put us in terms of full run goals? Attached is a very complete set of slides from Kiel Hock at C-AD from back in December with different luminosity scenarios. The table on slide 30 is reproduced below. Thus, you can see we are really just at the very beginning, but the hope is that within the next two weeks we are on a steep curve up. The scenarios beyond Run-15 performance (which is not yet achieved) with higher intensity (still being worked on) and the beta squeeze (not tested yet, with two machine developments cancelled for that until emittance issue solved) are the keys to getting into the C, D, E scenarios.

Thus the next few weeks will be very telling on the C-AD side, and of course it only matters if we are taking data with the sPHENIX detector.
You can see that as of this past Tuesday, it is near the lower end of the projection band. However, in the last couple of blue points, you see a clear uptick as they returned to 111x111 bunches and resolved much of the emittance problem.
Where does that put us in terms of full run goals? Attached is a very complete set of slides from Kiel Hock at C-AD from back in December with different luminosity scenarios. The table on slide 30 is reproduced below. Thus, you can see we are really just at the very beginning, but the hope is that within the next two weeks we are on a steep curve up. The scenarios beyond Run-15 performance (which is not yet achieved) with higher intensity (still being worked on) and the beta squeeze (not tested yet, with two machine developments cancelled for that until emittance issue solved) are the keys to getting into the C, D, E scenarios.

Thus the next few weeks will be very telling on the C-AD side, and of course it only matters if we are taking data with the sPHENIX detector.
|| James L. Nagle
|| Professor of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
|| James L. Nagle
|| Professor of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
|| EMAIL: jamie.nagle AT colorado.edu
|| SKYPE: jamie-nagle
|| WEB: http://spot.colorado.edu/~naglej
|| SKYPE: jamie-nagle
|| WEB: http://spot.colorado.edu/~naglej
Description: Adobe PDF document
- [Sphenix-run-l] Questions about luminosity status and targets -- answers, Jamie Nagle, 05/30/2024
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