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[Sphenix-run-l] sPHENIX Cryo-Week #12 - zero crossing, lots of calorimetric data, gota love isobutane, and more
- From: Jamie Nagle <jamie.nagle AT colorado.edu>
- To: sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: [Sphenix-run-l] sPHENIX Cryo-Week #12 - zero crossing, lots of calorimetric data, gota love isobutane, and more
- Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 19:47:43 -0400
Hello sPHENIXians,
This week marks the start of cryo-week #12 (out of 19 + 6).
Extra thanks to John Lajoie for his excellent stewardship as Period Coordinator (!), and welcome Virginia Baily (picture below) as our new awesome Period Coordinator. We also welcome our latest brave sPHENIX shift crew (pictured below).
With the zero crossing angle, the luminosity has been very good and the backgrounds very low. sPHENIX has been taking lots of data as shown below and has now integrated over 10 pb^-1 for purely calorimetric measurements. Note that only 16% of these collisions are within |z| < 10 cm such that they include the optimal acceptance of the MVTX and INTT. The rare event triggers have been sampling the full luminosity, and new firmware loaded today will sharpen the trigger turn on curves.

The nitrogen admixture for the TPC improved the working point, and at the same time does not allow for a robust, stable physics detector. Thus, the push is to get safety approval for an isobutane admixture -- the earliest that might happen is next week and then would take a number of days to evaluate a new working point. Fingers crossed.
A big focus for the other detectors is on data taking efficiency and offline QA -- large quantities of data isn't worth much if we cannot validate the quality of the data.
Below are links to the weekly RHIC Coordination meeting presentations from sPHENIX and C-AD.
sPHENIX Run Coordinator 2024

|| James L. Nagle
|| Professor of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
|| James L. Nagle
|| Professor of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
|| EMAIL: jamie.nagle AT colorado.edu
|| SKYPE: jamie-nagle
|| WEB: http://spot.colorado.edu/~naglej
|| SKYPE: jamie-nagle
|| WEB: http://spot.colorado.edu/~naglej
- [Sphenix-run-l] sPHENIX Cryo-Week #12 - zero crossing, lots of calorimetric data, gota love isobutane, and more, Jamie Nagle, 07/02/2024
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