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[[Sphenix-run-l] ] FW: Initial Collider User Training Now Available as a Web Course
- From: Rosi Reed <rosijreed AT lehigh.edu>
- To: sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: [[Sphenix-run-l] ] FW: Initial Collider User Training Now Available as a Web Course
- Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 17:27:57 -0500
Hi All,
If you hadn't seen this - the initial collider user training can be done online. This means that your new students do not need to do the Monday early afternoon training as before (though the sPHENIX training after the shift change meeting is still required), though they can if they'd prefer. Where I think this will be most important is for folks whose new shifters are coming in on a Monday holiday, which has always been a problem.
Quedens, Anna <aquedens AT bnl.gov>
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 3:17 PM
Subject: Initial Collider User Training Now Available as a Web Course
Collider User Training is now available for Users to complete online. Users can access this course via the link below using their Life or Guest Number. They will have three attempts to score an 80% or better to pass this course. The classroom version of this course is still available to those who would prefer to complete this requirement in person.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Anna Quedens
Training Supervisor
Collider Accelerator Department
Associate Professor, Physics Department
Lehigh University
16 Memorial Drive East Office 406
Bethlehem, PA 18015
- [[Sphenix-run-l] ] FW: Initial Collider User Training Now Available as a Web Course, Rosi Reed, 03/03/2025
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