Subject: STAR QA Board
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Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT)
- From: "Van Buren, Gene" <>
- To: apandav10 <>
- Cc: kokubo via STAR-QAboard-l <>
- Subject: Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT)
- Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 18:48:19 +0000
Hi, all
A follow-up on the item that Ashish noted 6 runs as having notably different <DCA> on slides 7 & 9 (21238004-009). His plot, vs. run index, is attached below.
I'm also attaching a plot from the Offline QA automatic reference comparison ("AutoQA") of the quantitative result of the Kolmogorov comparisons of the signed DCA distribution to a fixed reference, versus time the data was acquired [GMT]. One
should observe a change in this value if the comparison to a reference changes notably. These runs were taken at roughly 2020-08-25 06:00 GMT, plus or minus an hour, which is ~5/8ths of the way from the left edge of this plot to the right edge. One can see
that anything going on with the signed DCA at that time wasn't notable compared to other variations in the signed DCA.
So, like Ben, I'm not spotting anything extraordinary for these 6 runs, and I'm even looking at the DCAs.
Ashsih, maybe you can point us to the code you use to determine the <DCA>.

On Aug 27, 2020, at 10:33 PM, Ashish Pandav via STAR-QAboard-l <> wrote:
Dear Frank and all,
Please find a few slides on 9.2 GeV QA on the link below.
Thanking you,
Best Regards,
On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 7:30 AM Frank Geurts via STAR-QAboard-l <> wrote:
Dear All,
Please join our weekly QA-Board meeting tomorrow, Friday August 28 at noon (EDT).
QA experts:
BBC - Akio Ogawa (BNL)
BTOF - Zaochen Ye (Rice)
BEMC - Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (WSU)
EPD - Rosi Reed (Lehigh)
eTOF - Florian Seck (TU Darmstadt)
TPC- Irakli Chakaberia (BNL), Flemming Videbaek (BNL) HLT - Hongwei Ke (BNL)
VPD - Daniel Brandenburg (BNL/Shandong)
Offline-QA - Lanny Ray(UT Austin), Gene van Buren (BNL)
PWG delegates
LFSUPC : Ben Kimelman (UC Davis), Chenliang Jin (Rice)
BulkCorr : Kosuke Okubo (Tsukuba), Ashish Pandav (NISER)
HeavyFlavor : Kaifeng Shen (USTC), Yingjie Zhou (CCNU)
JetCorr : Tong Liu (Yale), Issac Mooney (WSU)
Spin/ColdQCD : TBN
PWGC - Rongrong Ma (BNL)
TriggerBoard (and BES focus group) - Daniel Cebra (UC Davis)
S&C - Gene van Buren (BNL)
The usual topics for Friday's meeting will be as follows:
1) Update from STAR operations and Trigger Board
2) Fast Offline
4) PWG Online QA
5) Offline QA topics
6) Round table: detector QA/known issues
Details are listed below:
STAR-QAboard-l mailing list
STAR-QAboard-l mailing list
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT)
, (continued)
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Yingjie Zhou, 08/07/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Rongrong Ma, 08/07/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Yingjie Zhou, 08/10/2020
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT), Rongrong Ma, 08/10/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Yingjie Zhou, 08/10/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Rongrong Ma, 08/07/2020
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT), Daniel Cebra, 08/07/2020
[STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Frank Geurts, 08/20/2020
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT), Ashish Pandav, 08/21/2020
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT), Daniel Cebra, 08/21/2020
[STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Frank Geurts, 08/27/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Ashish Pandav, 08/27/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Van Buren, Gene, 08/28/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Benjamin Kimelman, 08/28/2020
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT), Ashish Pandav, 08/29/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Benjamin Kimelman, 08/28/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Van Buren, Gene, 08/28/2020
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT), Daniel Cebra, 08/28/2020
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT), Kaifeng Shen, 08/28/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Ashish Pandav, 08/27/2020
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Run-20 QA Meeting, tomorrow at noon (EDT),
Yingjie Zhou, 08/07/2020
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