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star-tf-tunepy-l - Re: [Star-tf-tunepy-l] PYTHIA 8 tuning meeting 1/19

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Subject: STAR task force for tuning PYTHIA

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  • From: Matthew Kelsey <mkelsey AT>
  • To: "Fatemi, Renee" <rhfate2 AT>, STAR task force for tuning PYTHIA <star-tf-tunepy-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Star-tf-tunepy-l] PYTHIA 8 tuning meeting 1/19
  • Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 21:36:01 +0000

Hi Renee,

Thanks for the update; Good to hear things are progressing. We do have some instructions on how to run RIVET on RCF on our Github page. I can give you and Manny access if you have a Github username (I can also send directly). 

Hi all,

I have also posted today’s meeting minutes on our Drupal page (direct:


Matthew Kelsey 
Postdoctoral Fellow
Wayne State University

On Jan 20, 2021, at 1:08 PM, Fatemi, Renee via Star-tf-tunepy-l <star-tf-tunepy-l AT> wrote:

Hi Matt, all,

I have a conflicting meeting at this time (which I hope will be moved in a month) and Manny has orientation so neither of us will make the meeting today. Here is a verbal update instead.

Manny has managed to get our forward pi0 Xsec data (from the FPD in 2004) into the HEPData sandbox (thanks to help from Christine Nattrass).  He also has his account on RCAF up and going so he is now ready to start running RIVET and using the pi0 data as input.  As for the other papers, PHOBOS has agreed to let us load their paper results to HEPData and Flemming and I will meet tomorrow about BRAHMS data.   We will probably write offline to Raghav for help using RIVET on RCAF. 


On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 1:21 PM Matthew Kelsey via Star-tf-tunepy-l <star-tf-tunepy-l AT> wrote:
CAUTION: External Sender

Hi Kolja,

Ah, yes that is my mistake. The meeting is tomorrow (1/20). 

Thanks for clarifying!

Matthew Kelsey 
Postdoctoral Fellow
Wayne State University

On Jan 19, 2021, at 1:18 PM, Kolja Kauder via Star-tf-tunepy-l <star-tf-tunepy-l AT> wrote:

Hey Matt,

I'm a bit confused about the date - I assume you do mean tomorrow, but
the header implies today.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 12:05 PM Matthew Kelsey via Star-tf-tunepy-l
<star-tf-tunepy-l AT> wrote:

Hello all,

We will have our weekly pythia 8 tuning meeting tomorrow at 3 PM BNL time. You may find the connection details copied below.

Talk to you tomorrow!

Matthew Kelsey
Postdoctoral Fellow
Wayne State University

Topic: STAR PYTHIA 8 Tune Task Force
Time: Jan 20, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!TwS-0EoozWUPpeCsGyXALxR4NPRO1C30DI9T2LKm_VDSkqIO_9aAddWdAKQ2XkGexvOt2P8iLEzWjw$

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Kolja Kauder, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Research Associate,
Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY
+1 (631) 344-5935
Star-tf-tunepy-l mailing list
Star-tf-tunepy-l AT

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