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star-tpc-l - Re: [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Today

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  • From: "Fisyak, Yuri V" <fisyak AT>
  • To: "Witt, Richard CIV USNA Annapolis" <witt AT>, Star-tpc L <Star-tpc-l AT>, "Prof. Dr. Ivan Kisel" <I.Kisel AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Today
  • Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 16:55:23 +0000

Hello, just for record:

  1. Addressing difference in dE/dx observed for 19GeV_2019 using MySQL and CINT tables. The problem has found. It require disactivating two older calibration. The problem has been fixed.
  2. dE/dx 3p85GeV_fixedTarget_2021 calibration has been done, put in MySQL, and now MySQL version of calibration table has been verified with TFG on AL92 (I don’t know how to run SL24iy on Alma Linux yet).
  3. KFParticle without Vc has been released by Maksym Zyzak on 12/16/24, and this version has been put in star-sw as PR#722 3 weeks ago (
  1. KFParticle was introduced in STAR libraries 14 years ago (Thu Apr 15 22:49:12 2010 ). It was based on old Vc (0.4) library version.
  2. New development in KFParticle was based on the latest version of Vc (0.7+) and it does not compile with old Vc with standard STAR library.
  3. Almost 50% of strange particle and all charm and hypernuclei analyses are based on upgraded versions of KFParticle (different TFG release and private Maksym’s codes).
  4. FIAS group (M.Zyzak and Co) has promised to provide KFParticle without Vc library, based only on include files.
  5. This version should allow to standardize KFParticle base analyses.

  1. Mathias claims (Slide 14, - Presentation from Mathias Labonte) that hard coded dead region due to Gating Grid create a problem with matching embedding and data near gating Grid. Requires fix in TPC geometry (eliminate dead region due to Gating Grid).  Jason has removed the hard coded dead regions from TPC geometry (
  2. There are some claims that BTof alignment has problem for fixed target. ( Gene talked about this ( yesterday. P Pbar Tof mass splitting for 19GeV_2019 is still questionable.
  3. I believe, that for daq5k (2022-2025) data sample GMT information will be very valuable. GMT code provide by Grigory & Co. does not have GMT information propagated to the level of (Mu|Pico)Dst. This information has to be added. I am working on this.


                                                              Yuri Fisyak

STAR                                           Phone: +1 631 344 3913
Brookhaven National Laboratory  Fax:    +1 631 344 4206
510A/1-161       E-mail:
fisyak AT




From: star-tpc-l-request AT <star-tpc-l-request AT> on behalf of Richard Witt <star-tpc-l AT>
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 7:47
To: Star-tpc L <Star-tpc-l AT>
Subject: [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Today

Dear All,

We will resume our weekly TPC meetings today at 1200. Information is
below.  Talk to you soon!

Topic: STAR TPC Weekly Meeting

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<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!DiHLFJyDFIlWOe1sSraErmQ0cgzikfbeipV_0TJI2ckWT1U1tZYZsPd5R-o9m2pQc7s3PeZNaaZg0eW9YIxn$ >

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<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!DiHLFJyDFIlWOe1sSraErmQ0cgzikfbeipV_0TJI2ckWT1U1tZYZsPd5R-o9m2pQc7s3PeZNaaZg0YjCtHIo$ >

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Meeting ID: 160 743 9070
Passcode: 654321

Best Regards,

Sent from my iPad
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change
the world."

--Nelson Mandela

Richard Witt, Professor of Physics     Phone (USNA): 410-293-6675
United States Naval Academy         Email: witt AT
mailto:witt AT>

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