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  • From: Richard Witt <witt AT>
  • To: Star-tpc L <Star-tpc-l AT>
  • Subject: [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Minutes
  • Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:43:39 -0500

Present: Alexei, Jim, Yuri, Gene, Mathias, Emmy, Aihong, and myself

== Hardware
— current plan is to go forward with destructive decommissioning (TPC and others)
— gas shifts expected to start March 11th

== Electronics
— Tonko says west side is done (all working)
— needs a couple more weeks for repairs on east side 

== Software
— Emmy’s work on mass differences
— see
— looked at vertical tracks now (eta < 0.1) 
— very little pt dependence
— some small, maybe 3rd order, polynomial behavior with Vz
— will try once more with pileup removal, and perhaps multiplicity dependence
— Yuri mentions that because we know current distortion (sag), we can use correction to correct Emmy’s 2019 data
— see Yuri’s blog; TPC alignment, alignment by sector (alpha, beta, gamma)
— Yuri points out that new alignment model uses circular assumption for OFC along z
— but we know about sag, so near membrane their should be an additional term
— Addressing difference in dE/dx observed for 19GeV_2019 using MySQL and CINT tables. 
— problem has been found
— requires disactivating two older calibration, problem has been fixed.
— dE/dx 3p85GeV_fixedTarget_2021 calibration has been done, 
— put in MySQL, and now MySQL version of calibration table has been verified with TFG on AL92 
— unknown how to run SL24iy on Alma Linux as of yet
— KFParticle without Vc has been released by Maksym Zyzak on 12/16/24
— this version has been put in star-sw as PR#722 3 weeks ago (
— KFParticle was introduced in STAR libraries 14 years ago (Thu Apr 15 22:49:12 2010 )
— based on old Vc (0.4) library version.
— new development in KFParticle was based on the latest version of Vc (0.7+) 
— does not compile with old Vc with standard STAR library
— Almost 50% of strange particle and all charm and hypernuclei analyses are based on upgraded versions of KFParticle
— different TFG release and private Maksym’s codes
— FIAS group (M.Zyzak and Co) has promised to provide KFParticle without Vc library, based only on include files.
— This version should allow to standardize KFParticle based analyses.
— Mathias claims (Slide 14, - Presentation from Mathias Labonte) that hard coded dead region due to Gating Grid creates a problem with matching embedding and data near gating Grid. 
— Requires fix in TPC geometry (eliminate dead region due to Gating Grid).  
— Jason has removed the hard coded dead regions from TPC geometry (
— There are some claims that BTof alignment has problem for fixed target. ( 
— Gene talked about this ( yesterday. 
— P Pbar Tof mass splitting for 19GeV_2019 is still questionable.
— Yuri believes, that for daq5k (2022-2025) data sample GMT information will be very valuable. 
— GMT code provide by Grigory & Co. does not have GMT information propagated to the level of (Mu|Pico)Dst. 
— This information has to be added. Yuri is working on this.

— SC calibration for beam-beam data in BES-II
— this is to check calibration with new TPC alignment in place
— Run22 pp500 calibration production is being worked on to produce a sample for Yuri

== AOB
— Nothing additional reported this week.

Best Regards,

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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change
the world."

--Nelson Mandela

 Richard Witt, Professor of Physics     Phone (USNA): 410-293-6675
    United States Naval Academy         Email: witt AT

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