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usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l - RE: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] 2025-03-17 JOG Tuts NSF HL-LHC.pptx

usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT

Subject: U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies-NSF only Management Mailing List

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Michael Tuts <tuts AT>
  • To: Gustaaf Brooijmans <gusbroo AT>
  • Cc: "usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT" <usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT>, "Amy Garwood - Nevis Labs (agarwood AT" <agarwood AT>
  • Subject: RE: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] 2025-03-17 JOG Tuts NSF HL-LHC.pptx
  • Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 14:31:45 +0000

Hi Gustaaf,

Thanks for the suggestions. My comments below.

Cheers, Mike


From: Gustaaf Brooijmans <gusbroo AT>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2025 10:04 AM
To: Michael Tuts <tuts AT>
Cc: usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT; Amy Garwood - Nevis Labs (agarwood AT <agarwood AT>
Subject: Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] 2025-03-17 JOG Tuts NSF HL-LHC.pptx



Hi Mike,


I guess the aim is to remain at very high level.  A few minor comments:


**Yes, high level as I have 15min and 7 slides to use.


-sl 5: how will the effect the base program?  Do you mean how ill this affect?


**>> Oops yes. done


-sl 5: I would say “has not impacted us directly (yet?)” as apparently the cuts that have been sent only represent $250M of the $400M announced.  (But maybe that’s DOGE accounting…)


**>> There is a noon meeting today (which said invitation only) on federal research support, and certainly when I inquired last week from Jeanette Wing she said  carry on as usual unless you get a stop work from the agency directly. And NSF has said there is nothing in the works. So from my perspective we are NOT in the 4400M, but maybe at the meeting they will say what IS in the $400M (or confirm we are not in it). So will keep the language open for now.


-sl 5: I would remove “but now we see…..”


**>> fime. Removed, it is an evolving and moving target


-sl 6: the Feb CPR is out and we’re back at 0.89 => worth including?


**>> Will mention, admittedly NSF has never once brought up any concern for CPI<0.90


-sl 6: do you mean the “near future”?  Obviously they will occur in the future…


**>> Sure, added. (although these purchases are not obvious they will occur in the future if NSF vanishes 😉 )






On Mar 12, 2025, at 03:38, Michael Tuts <tuts AT> wrote:


Hi All,

Attached are my slides for the JOG scheduled on Zoom on Monday 3/17 – assuming there is no shutdown. I have about 15 min to talk about the NSF scope of the Upgrade (which in the NSF guidance is 7.5 slides), so quite abbreviated. Comments/corrections are welcome.

Thanks, Mike

<2025-03-17 JOG Tuts NSF HL-LHC.pptx>


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