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usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l - Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l] Urgent: dates for LAr scrubbing mtg at BNL

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Subject: U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade LAr Level 2 and Level 3 Managers Mailing List

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: John Parsons <parsons AT>
  • To: Andy Haas <andy.haas AT>, Tim Andeen <timothy.robert.andeen AT>
  • Cc: "usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l AT" <usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l] Urgent: dates for LAr scrubbing mtg at BNL
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2019 11:16:39 -0500

Hi all,

None of the other dates suggested will work, so
let's go with Mar. 28/29, even though it is not ideal.
Andy, we can work to make sure you can leave
BNL by noon on Friday. I suggest you stay over Thursday
night, so that we can re-start by 9 am on Friday.
Tim, given the pre_FDR (assuming the govt
reopens in time so that it actually happens), I
think there should be less emphasis on your part.
Given that, plus you living at CERN now, I will
suggest to the PO that you should not need to travel to BNL.
It would certainly be useful to have you participate
remotely. I will get back to you with their reply.

On 1/8/19 10:03 AM, Andy Haas wrote:
Hi John,
March 28-29 is not very good for me. I teach on Tue/Thurs mornings. I
could skip Thurs if needed of course. But I also have to pick up kids
from school at 2:30pm on that Friday, which I can't miss.
Mar. 21-22 would be ideal for me. NYU has spring break then.
Best, Andy.

On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 3:43 AM Tim Andeen <timothy.robert.andeen AT>

Hi John,

Sorry for the slow response, those days could work, but March 14/15 would be

Since the ADC is going through the pre-FDR how necessary for me to be there?
Of course even if I'm not there in person I will still help with the process
and connect remotely. Thanks.

Best, Tim

On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 11:49 PM John Parsons <parsons AT>

A reminder of our mtg Tues. Jan. 8 at 1 pm NY time.


On 1/3/19 2:51 PM, John Parsons wrote:

Hello all,

First of all, Happy New Year! I hope
everyone had a nice holiday break with family
and friends.

We are going to have to jump back in
to the preparations for the upcoming reviews, etc.
Let's hold our weekly meeting next week in
our usual Tuesday 1 pm timeslot. I created
an agenda at
Please come prepared to summarize the status
in your L3 area. We will also go over
upcoming steps and tasks toward the reviews.

One immediate question for you: each
subsystem is asked to propose a 2-day period
for a scrubbing meeting to be held in person
at BNL, with the L2s and L3s in attendance.
The meeting would be used to scrub the RLS
and supporting documents (BOEs, ...), and should
happen around late-Feb. to late-March. There
are many other constraints, and I have had a
difficult time finding dates. I am hoping
that Mar. 28-29 will work. It is a Thurs.+Fri.,
so it works with my teaching schedule.
Let me know asap if those dates would
work for you. Given the difficulty finding
dates, please try your best to make this work,
if at all possible.



John Parsons
Nevis Labs, Email: parsons AT
Columbia University Phone: (914) 591-2820
P.O. Box 137 Fax: (914) 591-8120
Irvington, NY 10533 WWW:

Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l mailing list
Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l AT

Tim Andeen
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
College of Natural Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712-1192
office (TX): RLM 10.208
office (CERN): 304/1-024
ph (TX): +1 512 475-9575
ph (CERN): +41 (0)22 76 758 14
email: tandeen AT

Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l mailing list
Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l AT


John Parsons
Nevis Labs, Email: parsons AT
Columbia University Phone: (914) 591-2820
P.O. Box 137 Fax: (914) 591-8120
Irvington, NY 10533 WWW:


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