eic-projdet-pfrich-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: ePIC pfRICH mailing list
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[Eic-projdet-pfrich-l] pfRICH software tutorial TODAY at 4pm EDT
- From: Christopher Dilks <dilks AT jlab.org>
- To: eic-projdet-pfrich-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Cc: eic-projdet-cpid-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: [Eic-projdet-pfrich-l] pfRICH software tutorial TODAY at 4pm EDT
- Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 12:27:41 -0400
Dear all,
Today, Oct. 12th, at 4:00pm US/Eastern, we will have an interactive software tutorial on the pfRICH in EPIC. Given the significant implementation overlap with the dRICH, almost all of this information applies to both RICHes.
Indico: https://indico.bnl.gov/event/17409/
Zoom: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1619779791?pwd=TUtVak9TMjdsb05CbkVrZmh2a2JzZz09__;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!F7PsH2nwGeLYfNCPCHM6bWOmM3KHsOBkV8I9onMJDcdRyX-ZsXuWkrfvbKmXXSxt9bygzLC7HkHpfoJzFKVZJf5bG6ST0g$
We understand there is overlap with a beam test and with the AI4EIC workshop, but there are many who want to get started working as soon as possible. We will be sure to record the tutorial, and the notes are already posted to the Indico page.
If you would like to follow along with the tutorial, I recommend having a build ready (see the Indico notes for more details):
1. start an `eic-shell` container
2. clone all the relevant Git repositories
3. compile everything (`source environ.sh && rebuild_all.sh`)
- [Eic-projdet-pfrich-l] pfRICH software tutorial TODAY at 4pm EDT, Christopher Dilks, 10/12/2022
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