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[Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: Pres. Proclamation on 4/22/2020 suspending entry of some new, incoming immigrants to US
- From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
- To: NPPS members <Phys-npps-members-l AT>
- Subject: [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: Pres. Proclamation on 4/22/2020 suspending entry of some new, incoming immigrants to US
- Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 14:04:25 -0400
From: Goodsell, Margie <mgoodsell AT>
Date: Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 1:38 PM
Subject: Pres. Proclamation on 4/22/2020 suspending entry of some new, incoming immigrants to US
To: Goodsell, Margie <mgoodsell AT>
Hello, everyone,
You are receiving this email because you are the Manager or Supervisor of a BNL employee on a temporary work visa like H visa, J visa, F visa or a BNL employee who is a US permanent resident (with a green card already).
As some of you might be aware of, Pres. Trump tweeted on Monday, 4/21/2020, regarding the suspension of immigration to the US. This caused a lot of concern among BNL employees on a temporary work visa and their managers.
Following the tweet, a Presidential Proclamation was issued yesterday, 4/22/2020, suspending the US entry of some new, incoming immigrants who present a risk to the US labor market during the US economic recovery following the covid-10 pandemic.
Below is a summary of the Proclamation:
- Nonimmigrant/temporary visa holders (for example - H visa, J visa, F visa, those with EAD, other temporary visas) are NOT AFFECTED by the proclamation.
- Current, incoming and new BNL employees and new hires on an H visa, J visa, F visa, those with EADs, including Guests on temporary visas are not affected.
- The Lab’s green card program is not affected. We can still continue to prepare and file green card applications for current BNL employees.
- Potential changes in the future: Within 30 days from today, 4/23/2020, the following federal agencies (DOL, DHS, DOS) will review temporary visa programs and make recommendations to stimulate US economy and ensure hiring of US workers.
- This proclamation is effective today, 4/23/2020 and expires in 60 days. It may be continued as necessary depending on government recommendations.
- Who are affected by this Proclamation:
- certain new incoming immigrants who are:
- outside the US as of 4/23/2020;
- do not have a valid immigrant visa stamp as of 4/23/2020; AND
- do not have a valid official travel document allowing entry to the US (for example: advance parole travel document)
- What is suspended: US entry, meaning, the affected individuals cannot enter the US as immigrants.
- Who are not affected by this Proclamation:
- As mentioned above, those with temporary visas like H visa, J visa, F visa, EAD employment authorizations, and the like, including B visa, ESTA;
- current green card holders – meaning, those who are already green card holders and are returning to the US;
- Incoming new green card holders who are healthcare professionals (including spouse and children) working on covid;
- Incoming immigrant investors;
- Spouse of US citizen;
- Children of US citizen and prospective adoptees;
- Individuals assisting US law enforcement objectives;
- Members of US armed forces, spouses and children;
- Individuals with special immigrant visas (like Afghan translator and US government employee);
- Others whose entry to the US would be in the national interest as per DOS, DHS
The Lab’s green card program is not affected. We will still continue to prepare and file green card applications for current BNL employees.
The Lab’s visa programs (H visa, J visa, F visa, others) are not affected.
I’ll keep you posted with new updates as they come up.
Please let me know if you have questions.
Thank you.
Margie C. Goodsell, J.D.
Supervisor, Office of International Services phone: 631-344-4807
Brookhaven National Laboratory fax: 631-344-4997
20 Brookhaven Avenue, Bldg. 400B mgoodsell AT
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, New York 11973-5000
I am working remotely this week. I am fully accessible through my BNL phone extension (x4807), BNL email (mgoodsell AT
and video conferencing via MS Teams.
For our international customers, I may also be contacted through Skype and WhatsApp messenger (Margie Goodsell).
Foreign Travel:
complete this Foreign Travel Undertaking Form
and contact International Services (ois AT at least two (2) weeks before making final foreign travel plans to request your travel package and obtain guidance on visa and passport issues,
and travel delays.
Electronic I-94:
Upon return from foreign travel, please send
ois AT a copy of the electronic I-94 from the CBP website:
Change of U.S. address: All non-U.S. citizens, except for holders of A or G visas, must report a change of address to USCIS within 10 days of moving by completing a USCIS Form AR-11, Change of Address. For more information: click on
Interested in becoming a U.S. Permanent Resident or applying for U.S. citizenship?
Visit the Office of International Services' (OIS) webpage:
Permanent Residency;
U.S. Citizenship
- [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: Pres. Proclamation on 4/22/2020 suspending entry of some new, incoming immigrants to US, Torre Wenaus, 04/23/2020
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