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phys-npps-mgmt-l - Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software

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  • From: Brett Viren <bv AT>
  • To: Torre Wenaus via Phys-npps-mgmt-l <phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software
  • Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 13:50:26 -0500

Maybe these already are part of some existing bullets but I think there
is some effort closer to the end users that isn't called out.

- source release manager, coordinating with developers, setting and
goals for future releases

- building releases, set up a meta-build system (Spack?) and then
ongoing care and feeding.

- validating releases, including initial CI setup and later care and
feeding, developing validating code, pushing on developers to provide

- distributing binaries, initial set up + care and feeding (CVMFS?,
GitHub Packages?)

- end-user runtime configuration management (eg, production of user
setup scripts, "environment modules", Spack "views").


Torre Wenaus via Phys-npps-mgmt-l <phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>

> Hi all,
> Jamie asked for input on BNL EIC sw effort as input to the NP budgeting
> going on right now.
> Here's my first version. Comments appreciated.
> * 2020-2021: Yellow Report detector design and physics performance studies
> * Software work in support:
> * Community: detector simu, reco, analysis software
> * Labs:
> * software framework and toolkit for simu, reco
> * fast simulation
> * analysis tools
> * doc, tutorials
> * software infrastructure
> * distributed processing support (data and workload management)
> * 2022-2026: Detector development, test beams
> * Software work in support:
> * Community: detector simu, reco, analysis software
> * Community and lab
> * integrating streaming DAQ and offline computing in online+offline
> processing workflows
> * Labs: as above
> BNL EIC software effort
> * Today: ½ FTE
> * ½ FTE of computing infrastructure (Maxim) is the only dedicated effort at
> BNL (besides
> Torre time on coordination). Small fractions of people with commitments
> elsewhere.
> Particularly Chris leveraging sPHENIX software, Kolya supporting
> eic-smear, Alexander and
> Elke’s postdocs.
> * in contrast, JLab has large fractions of Markus Diefenthaler
> (coordination, evgen), Dmitry
> Romanov (jupyter based interfaces, tutorials, simu and reco
> infrastructure), Julia Furletova
> (g4e simu framework), David Alexander and the Jana team (reco)
> * ASAP: increase to 2 FTE
> * EIC is starting a new ‘greenfield’ framework/simu/reco development
> effort. If we want to
> play a role, we need effort
> * Add 1 FTE ASAP framework/simu/reco developer to participate in greenfield
> effort
> * Bring computing support effort to 1 FTE. Effort up to now is mainly
> collaborative tools,
> websites etc. With software development consolidating to common community
> efforts, we
> need software support (repositories, releases, containers, documentation
> tools) and user
> support in addition.
> * 2021: increase to 3.5 FTE
> * Add a second dedicated software developer working both on common
> framework (including
> contributing to user support and documentation) and BNL-specific software
> priorities as
> the detector collaboration(s) and institutional responsibilities take shape
> * Add ½ FTE for processing support: distributed computing, platform
> porting, analysis
> processing. A small level that leverages existing activity.
> * 2022-2026: flat planning for now, sustain 3.5 FTEs
> Torre
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> Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT

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