phys-npps-mgmt-l AT
Subject: NPPS Leadership Team
List archive
[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Conference on Machine Learning for Neutrino Reconstruction at BNL,
Brett Viren, 01/02/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Conference on Machine Learning for Neutrino Reconstruction at BNL, Torre Wenaus, 01/02/2020
- [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Fwd: AI for Nuclear Physics, Torre Wenaus, 01/07/2020
[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] NPPS leadership team meeting on Friday,
Torre Wenaus, 01/08/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] NPPS leadership team meeting on Friday,
Alexei Klimentov, 01/10/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] NPPS leadership team meeting on Friday, pinkenburg, 01/10/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] NPPS leadership team meeting on Friday,
Alexei Klimentov, 01/10/2020
[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting,
Torre Wenaus, 01/16/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting,
Torre Wenaus, 01/16/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting, Paul James Laycock, 01/16/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting,
pinkenburg, 01/16/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting, Torre Wenaus, 01/16/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting, pinkenburg, 01/16/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting, Torre Wenaus, 01/17/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting, Alexei Klimentov, 01/17/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meeting tomorrow after group meeting,
Torre Wenaus, 01/16/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] NPPS group meeting tomorrow 10am 1-224, Torre Wenaus, 01/23/2020
[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software,
Torre Wenaus, 01/27/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software,
pinkenburg, 01/27/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software, Torre Wenaus, 01/27/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software,
Brett Viren, 01/27/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software,
Torre Wenaus, 01/27/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software, alexei, 01/28/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software, Torre Wenaus, 01/28/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software,
Torre Wenaus, 01/27/2020
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software,
Alexander Kiselev, 01/27/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software, Torre Wenaus, 01/27/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] EIC software,
pinkenburg, 01/27/2020
- [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Fwd: search committee, Torre Wenaus, 01/29/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] search committee, Torre Wenaus, 01/30/2020
- [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Fwd: Invitation to contribute to the 2020 version of the Detector R&D report, Torre Wenaus, 01/30/2020
[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Short meeting after group meeting,
Torre Wenaus, 01/31/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Short meeting after group meeting, Torre Wenaus, 01/31/2020
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