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phys-npps-mgmt-l - [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Fwd: Computing and data strategy

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Subject: NPPS Leadership Team

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  • From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
  • To: NPPS leadership team <Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>
  • Subject: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Fwd: Computing and data strategy
  • Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:45:11 -0500

he didn't say I can't share it

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ma, Hong <hma AT>
Date: Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: Computing and data strategy
To: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>


                John Hill said the actual charge will come out very soon (within a week).   So you can wait for the final document.

                At the meeting, there were already comments that what’s on the slides is too ASCR oriented.   Serving the science should be more emphasized.

                Hopefully the final charge will reflect that.




From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 12:39 PM
To: Ma, Hong <hma AT>
Subject: Re: Computing and data strategy

Hi Hong,

Can I share it with the NPPS leadership team? 

I find it underwhelming and approximately more of the same, ASCR fishing on an expanded scale. It does not seem to put computing serving our science first.



On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 5:40 PM Ma, Hong <hma AT> wrote:

            At today’s science council meeting, John Hill discussed the plan for the “Computing and data strategy”. See attached slides.

The last attempt a few years ago did not go anywhere, but this time, the lab management wants to take ownership of this plan.

Please take a look at the “plan for the plan”.

            An external advisory committee is foreseen.   It would be good to give our recommendations who can serve on the committee.












-- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment

-- BNL 510A 1-222 | 631-681-7892

-- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment
-- BNL 510A 1-222 | 631-681-7892

Attachment: Science council 11 14 23.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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