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[Sphenix-run-l] shift change meeting minutes on August 5, Saturday 2023
- From: shimomuramaya <maya AT cc.nara-wu.ac.jp>
- To: sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: [Sphenix-run-l] shift change meeting minutes on August 5, Saturday 2023
- Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2023 18:23:27 -0400
Here is the shift change meeting minutes on August 5.
General (Stefan/Kin)
Switched to two-person shifts from midnight: SL and DO
Current Priority Items (PC)
Make use of magnetic field, which we’ll have until Friday +/- 1 day: take data with tracking detectors: TPC, MVTX, INTT, TPOT
Work Control Coordinators (Chris/Joel)
Plan of the Day (Stefan/PC/all–to be revisited at end of meeting)
Take cosmics data with coincidence trigger for INTT and TPOT; include EMCal and HCal. Run as long as possible
Take LED data with HCAL(in between cosmic runs)
Monitor TPC which HV is stand by
Evening (Ross)
Finished Magnet ramp +TPC spark testing
EMCal taken out of big partition for DAQ development.
gave control to INTT folks to get them into the big partition (success!)
trained 2-person shift team now.
10k LED every 2x100k cosmic-coin runs. INTT, TPOT, HCal.
Night (Joey)
Alternated between 10k event LED run and 2x100k event cosmic runs with INTT, TPOT, HCal
Saw issue with HCal towers dropping out on first attempt to switch from LED to cosmics; retrying fixed the problem.
MBD expert attempted to do laser run, but instructions are somewhat unclear and appear to not have been updated in a while. Laser gui would not start.
Day (Tristan)
HCal + EMCal + INTT + TPOT cosmics on coincidence trigger.
LED runs every hour
TPC HV + LV are on at standby voltage
Magnet (Kin)
Magnet is at full current/field. ( By chance, I noticed this morning that the cryo monitoring data was not updating since ~17:20 yesterday in the C-AD Control System but was updating in the Cryo HMI. I reported to P. Talty of Cryo who fixed it. )
MBD (Mickey, Lameck).
Mickey looked into why the MBD HV GUI wouldn't respond. tried to telnet into bbc hv2, and couldn't connect. Went into the IR and saw that the circuit breaker on MF 2 (lower one) had tripped. We are not sure when it happened, but it likely was what caused the database issues Martin mentioned earlier this week. .
The program that logs the HV information into the database was probably hanging. We'll modify that program so that it won't start if it sees it is already running.
Mickey flipped the breaker, and everything seemed to come back okay. The MBD HV is on, at zero-field settings. → Need to confirm if it should be field-on setting when MBD will be included in the big partition for the DAQ running exercise.
Took the laser data successfully. MBD experts will take more later. When the experts will take the laser events, they will let SL know and will coordinate to avoid the conflict to the current running.
Trigger (Dan)
GTM/GL1 (Martin/Dan/John K)
Discussion about the MVTX integration into big partition
DAQ (Martin/John H)
Nothing new to report
MVTX (Michael)
Stefan: Martin suggests to switch to firmware GTM version 47, but Joe Mead says didn't bring the mvtx signals to the ILA in v47 (Martin: The ILA ( = Internal Logic Analyzer) is only the ability to spy on the signals, and doesn’t affect any functionality). Joe might be able to get a new firmware version.
Stefan: Martin also suggests to switch all other fibers to GTM1; should we do this? Is the weekend a good time for this? Or had it better wait until Monday?
[MP] took 2 hours of field-on cosmics streaming data in global mode on GTM1 during evening shift; should have something similar, but with proper comparator thresholds and hot-pixel masking, during this shift as well
TPC (Ross)
Spark protection electronics under final testing
analyzing 8/04 data to set a conservative trip point, then will raise more modules to full voltage.
LV back on and monitoring run started
Once HV can turn on safely, we will be interested in large field-on cosmic dataset, potentially with silicon and calo.
HCal (Silas)
No updates to report. Please continue taking cosmics
Led data every 2 hrs for about 10k events
EMCal ()
INTT (Genki/Chang-Wei)
We attempted to take the cosmic data with the new HCal trigger and succeeded (trigger 3, HCal cosmic coincidence). The following shows some interesting event displays made by Chang-Wei. The measurements are ongoing in BigPartition global mode.
South electronics all seem to work
Powered interface boards and bias in order and confirmed expected board turned on
ECW interlock not yet in place, so we aren’t going to leave things on without someone actively monitoring temperatures yet
Progress on north box going well, likely plan to install after magnetic field ramped down
Gas/Cooling ()
ZDC ()
Background Counters ()
Online Monitoring (Chris)
**********end of minutes **********
Associate Professor
Division of Natural Sciences
Nara Women's University
BNL Bldg.510C Room2-223
Email: maya AT cc.nara-wu.ac.jp
Office: 631-344-2778
Cell : 631-504-2144
- [Sphenix-run-l] shift change meeting minutes on August 5, Saturday 2023, shimomuramaya, 08/05/2023
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