Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Acat-loc2024-l [no description available]
Ags-rhic-users-l RHIC and AGS Users
Agscontacts-l AGS Contacts
Aiml-wg-l [no description available]
Air-quality-l [no description available]
AnDY-bnl-l Mailing list for the AnDY Experiment at RHIC
Apaa-l Asian Pacific American Association (BERA)
Astro-bnl-l BNL Astrophysics and Cosmology Group
Astro-l [no description available]
Atf-info-l [no description available]
Atf_pac-l ATF Program Advisory Committee mailing list.
Atlas-bnl-l U.S. ATLAS BNL Personnel
Badminton-l BNL BERA Badminton Club
Bbc-members-l Weight lifting and exercise club
Bera-iaa-internal-l BERA-IAA (Indo American Association) mailing list for BNL onsite employess and users
Beracontacts-l [no description available]
Bicycling-l Anything related to bicycling at BNL
Biker-l BNL Motorcycle Club
Biominerals-L Discussion of research in biomineralization
Bionsls2-l [no description available]
bnl-announce-l BNL Announcements List
Bnl-eg-asap-l All Employee and Guest Students & Post Docs at BNL
Bnl-eg30-asap-l Students & Post Doc Employees plus Guest with 15 Day Gate Scan
Bnl-eicprojdet-l [no description available]
Bnl-gaseous-detectors-rnd-l Gaseous detector R&D list
Bnl-git-lab-users-l [no description available]
Bnl-Makers-l BNL Makers Club
BNL-MusicClub-L BNL Music Club
Bnl-postdocs-l [no description available]
Bnl-rhic-netp RHIC network provisioning discussions
Bnl-shared-tier3-l BNL Tier 3 Computing Facility Users
Bnl_attendees-l [no description available]
Bnlarc-class-l BNLARC Technician Class List
Bnlarc-general-class-l BNL Amateur Radio Club General License Class
Bnlarc-l BNL BERA Amateur Radio Club
Bnlarc-skywarn [no description available]
Bnlitdlibraryusers-l Users of .NET Libraries written by ITD
Brahms-l Brahms Collaboration
Bwis-l Brookhaven Women in Science
C2QA-communications-l [no description available]
Cfn-clean-room-l Information for CFN Clean room
Cfn-newsletter-l [no description available]
Chemistry-division-l [no description available]
Chinese-l BNL Chinese mailing list
cmtcluster-users-l Condensed matter theory cluster user broadcast
Con-ed-attendees-l [no description available]
Con-ed-presenters-l [no description available]
Conedison_attendees-l [no description available]
Corpes22-l [no description available]
Cosmo-group-l BNL cosmology group
Csac-l Cyber Security Advisory Council
csiqcg-l [no description available]
Csisummerstudents-l [no description available]
Cssa-soccer-l CSSA soccer
Cyclotrons [no description available]
Dayabay-bnl-l Daya Bay Collaborators at BNL.
Dayabay-racf Daya Bay users of RACF
Dc-hi-town-meeting-l [no description available]
Dcde-pilot-l the public dcde pilot list
Delegations_of_authority-l Delegations of Authority
Di2014-l [no description available]
Dichroic-detectors-l List for scientific discussion of dichroic filters
Dichroic-sbir-l Organization for dichroic filter SBIR
Dotnetusers-l BNL .NET Developers
Dune [no description available]
Dune-fd-us-crp-l List for DUNE US CRP activities
E-rhic-ir-l [no description available]
E949-general-l E949 Collaboration General Discussion
Ecce-eic-public-l ECCE Public Announcements
Edg-employees-l Electronic Detector Group Employees.
Edg-visitors-l Electronic Detector Group Visitors.
Edm-l Electric Dipole Moment (Deuteron EDM) Collaboration and friends
Eic-bnl-comp-l EIC/BNL Computing discussion
Eic-bnl-soft-l software issues for EIC
Eic-comp-l EIC computing joint activities
Eic-det-elec-daq-l [no description available]
Eic-det2-conveners-l [no description available]
Eic-det2-l [no description available]
EIC-dsg-l [no description available]
Eic-epol-hpol-l [no description available]
Eic-interns-l [no description available]
Eic-mpgd-generic-rd-l [no description available]
Eic-nas-prep-l [no description available]
Eic-projdet-background-l [EIC-ePIC-Background-WG]
Eic-projdet-bsmew-l [EPIC-BSM-EW-WG]
Eic-projdet-calo-l [EPIC-Calo-WG]
Eic-projdet-calo-pemcal-l EIC Project h-endcap EMCal
Eic-projdet-collab-l [EPIC-Collaboration]
Eic-projdet-compsw-l [ePIC Software & Computing]
Eic-projdet-conveners-l [EPIC-Conveners]
Eic-projdet-cpid-l [EPIC-CerPID-WG]
Eic-projdet-daq-l [EPIC-DAQ-WG]
Eic-projdet-drich-l ePIC dRICH mailing list
Eic-projdet-earlycareer-l [EPIC-Early Career]
Eic-projdet-erd107-l EIC Project eRD107 Hadronic Calorimetry Consortium
Eic-projdet-excldiff-l [EPIC-ExclDiff-WG]
Eic-projdet-farback-l [EPIC-FarBack-WG]
Eic-projdet-farforw-l [EPIC-FarForward-WG]
Eic-projdet-globalint-l [EPIC-GlobalInt-WG]
Eic-projdet-hpdirc-l hpDIRC DSC mailing list
Eic-projdet-inclusive-l [EPIC-Inclusive-WG]
Eic-projdet-jethf-l [EPIC-JetHF-WG]
Eic-projdet-pfrich-electronics-l ePIC pfRICH electronics mailing list
Eic-projdet-pfrich-l ePIC pfRICH mailing list
Eic-projdet-pfrich-mechanical-design-l ePIC pfRICH mechanical design mailing list
Eic-projdet-pfrich-software-l ePIC pfRICH software mailing list
Eic-projdet-pid-l The ePIC PID detector list
Eic-projdet-pwg-conveners-l [no description available]
Eic-projdet-sc-l [EPIC-SteeringGroup]
Eic-projdet-semiincl-l [EPIC-SemiIncl-WG]
Eic-projdet-simqa-l [EPIC SimQA WG]
Eic-projdet-tic-l [no description available]
Eic-projdet-tofpid-l [EPIC-ToFPID-WG]
Eic-projdet-tracking-l [EPIC-Tracking-WG]
Eic-projdet-trk-recon-l [EPIC-TrkRecon]
Eic-rd-calorimeter-l Mailing list for the EIC/eRHIC calorimeter R&D consortium
Eic-rd-silicon-l Mailing list for the EIC silicon R&D consortium
Eic-rd-tracking-l Mailing list of the EIC/eRHIC tracking R&D consortium
Eic-software-l [no description available]
Eicug-bnl Mailing list of the BNL-stationed members of the EIC User Group
Eicug-users-l EIC Users Group
Endf Evaluated Nuclear (reaction) Data File Discussion Group
Epic-backward-hcal-l [no description available]
Epic-bemcal-l [no description available]
Epic-cc-membership-committee-l [no description available]
Epic-sc-faq-l [no description available]
Epic-svt-l Mailing list for the ePIC SVT DSC
Epic-svt-uk-l UK regional ePIC SVT discussion list
Epic-talks-l [no description available]
Epic-website-l [no description available]
EVusers-l BNL Employee Electric Vehicle Charging Program users group
Gaudi-talk Community support for and discussion about Gaudi and related software for users and developers.
Golf-l BERA Golf Association
Grid-data-management-l Discuss Data Management Issues for Grid
Gunclub-l BERA Gun Club general mailing list
Harbor-l Information related to NY-NJ Harbor Dredged Material Decontamination
Henp-net-l HENP Networking Working Group
Hetheory-l [no description available]
Hft-tc-l STAR HFT Technical Committee
Hispanic-l Hispanic Heritage mailing list
Hmstk-lb-calib Water Cherenkov Calibration List
Hmstk-lb-civil LBNE water Cherenkov civil integration
Hmstk-lb-esh Environment Safety and Health for LBNE water Cherenkov detector
Hmstk-lb-integration [no description available]
Hmstk-lb-liner [no description available]
Hmstk-lb-pmt LBNE water cherenkov PMT group.
Hmstk-lb-software DUSEL Physics Software Mailing List
Hmstk-lb-tb [no description available]
Hmstk-lb-water Homestake DUSEL/LBNE Water Cherenkov Detector Sub-project
Hmstk-lb-watersystem [no description available]
Hmstk-wc-computing LBNE/WCD Computing
Hmstk-wc-reconstruction [no description available]
Hmstk-wc-simulation Discussion of simulations of Water Cerenkov detectors at Homestake
Hmstk-wcd-mgt LBNE Water Cherenkov Detector Project and DUSEL S4 management discussion.
Hockey-l BNL community hockey club
Hoops-fun-l [no description available]
Hoops-l BNL basketball list
Hot-qcd-whitepaper-l List for the 2014 Hot QCD White Paper Writing Group
hpc1-users-l [no description available]
Hrppd-l HRPPD community mailing list
Ibmq-proposals-l [no description available]
Icalepcs2019-iec [no description available]
Icalepcs2019-isac [no description available]
Irmo-l [no description available]
Ispo-l [no description available]
Itd-test-l Test List for ITD Unix Services
itpc-l STAR Inner TPC Upgrade
Ixs-2019-l [no description available]
Lappd-l LAPPD research mailing list
Lbne-bnl-l LBNE BNL Group
Lhc-far-fwrd-flare-l FLArE working group
Lhc-far-fwrd-neutrinos-l Neutrino Flux from the LHC
Lhc-far-fwrd-physics-l Far Forward Physics for the LHC
Linux-working-group-l Linux Security Working Group
Live-events-l [no description available]
Lsst-bnl-l Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Lusee-night-brass-l [no description available]
Lusee-night-l [no description available]
Macusers-l BNL Macintosh Users
Mariachi-admin-l MARIACHI experiment administrative mailing list
Mariachi-ci-l For Mariachi experiment cyber infrastructure discussion
Mariachi-ed-l MARIACHI experiment research mailing list
Mariachi-l Cosmic ray experiment at BNL
Mariachi-mtg-l MARIACHI experiment weekly meetings
Mariachi-radar-l mariachi experiment radar mailing list
Mariachi-scint-l mariachi experiment scintillator array mailing list
Mce2021-l [no description available]
Monday_breakoutsessionleads-l [no description available]
Monday_speakers-l [no description available]
Muonedm-l Muon Electric Dipole Moment (Muon EDM) Collaboration and friends
NNN2015 Announcements regarding the Next Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector Workshop 2015 at Stony Brook University
Non-con-ed-presenters-l [no description available]
Npp-aac-l NPP ALD Advisory Council
Nptheory-l [no description available]
NSLS-II-Controls-l NSLS-II Controls
Nsls-ii-controls-users-l [no description available]
Nsls-ii-task-force-l [no description available]
Nsls-minutes-l NSLS Weekly Users' Meeting minutes
Nsls-uec-l NSLS Users' Executive Committee
nsls-x6b-l NSLS X6B Beamline Announcements
Nsls2-accelerator-l NSLS-II Accelerator
nsls2-beamline-controls-l Discussion of NSLS-II beamline controls issues.
Nsls2-beamline-l NSLS-II Beamlines
Nsls2-beamline-staff-l NSLS-II Beamlines Staff
Nsls2-cfnum-l NSLS-II and CFN Users Meeting
nsls2-cluster-l [no description available]
nsls2-computer-users-l [no description available]
nsls2-computing-notifications-l Notifications for NSLS-II Computer Users
Nsls2-csx-users-l [no description available]
Nsls2-ios-users-l NSLS-II IOS (23-ID-2) Beamline Users
Nsls2-plc-l [no description available]
NSLS2-SMI-L Soft matter interfaces Beamline at NSLS-II
Nsls2-tech-talk-l [no description available]
Nsls2-test-l NSLS/NSLS-II testing mail distribution
nsls2_srptf-l [no description available]
Nuhep-l BNL Physics Deptartment Computer User e-mail list
Onsite-daycare-l Discussions on sustaining onsite daycare at BNL
OpenMP-Users-L [no description available]
Opera-3d-users-l [no description available]
Opera-users-l [no description available]
OperandoIV-conference-l [no description available]
Ordoadmin-l Administrators of Ordo clients
Other_attendees-l [no description available]
Oysters-l [no description available]
P896-l BNL Experiment P896 Private List
Paccd-l for interested in Precision Astronomy with fully depleted CCDs
Parent-Support Parents Support Group
Pd-characterization-lar-l [no description available]
Phenix-admin-l PHENIX Operations Adminstration
Phenix-ar-l [no description available]
Phenix-comp-l PHENIX Computing
Phenix-electron-l PHENIX upgrades for electrons -- incl low-mass dileptons
Phenix-faq-l PHENIX Frequently Asked Questions
Phenix-forward-l PHENIX forward upgrades (public list)
Phenix-highpt-l PHENIX upgrades to enhance high p_T capability
Phenix-jobs-l PHENIX Employment Opportunities
Phenix-junior-l PHENIX Junior Career Vulnerable Scientists
Phenix-news-l PHENIX News
Phenix-silicon-l PHENIX upgrades using silicon detectors
Phenix-vis-l PHENIX BNL visitors
Photonscience-computing-support-l Central Computing Support for Photon Sciences
Phys-ml-contacts-l Physics Dept AI/ML contacts
Phys-npps-distsw-l Distribution Computing SW
Phys-npps-esi-l [no description available]
Phys-npps-members-bnl-l NPPS BNLers
Phys-soft-comp-l NPPS S&C Community
Physics-seminars-l Physics Seminar Notification
pico-l picosecond timing
PingPong-L BNL BERA Table Tennis Club
Pioneer-bnl-l [no description available]
Pistol-l BERA Gun Club Pistol mailing list
Potas-l [no description available]
pp2pp-l pp2pp experiment discussions
Puppet-users-l BNL Puppet Community
Qcdinnuclei-l Informal discussion group for all aspects of QCD
Qol-bera-recreation-l [no description available]
Quantastro-l [no description available]
RACF-Frontier-l A mailing list for ATLAS Frontier and Squid deployment, test, and development discussion.
Racf-gce-l RACF GCE Mailing List
Racf-pandaop-l [no description available]
Racf-storagemgmt-bots-l Mailing list for automatic notification of the RACF Storage Management group
Racf-storagemgmt-l [no description available]
Radiation-detector-l Radiation Detector
radioHEP-l Cosmic Visions 21-cm group
Rbrc-rt-l Round Table Discussion List of RIKEN BNL Research Center Experimental Division
Rhic-outreach-l RHIC outreach contacts
Rhic-rcf-l RHIC Computing Facility
Rhic-software-l RHIC Software
Rhicagsuec-exofficio-l RHIC & AGS UEC Ex-Officio members
Rhicagsuec-fpp-l RHIC & AGS UEC Funding, Politics, & Programmatic Working Group
Rhicagsuec-l RHIC & AGS UEC members
Rhicagsuec-mco-l RHIC & AGS UEC Meetings,Communication, & Outreach Working Group
Rhicagsuec-qol-l RHIC & AGS UEC Quality of Life Working Group
Rhicagsuec-sas-l RHIC & AGS UEC Site Access & Science Working Group
Rhiccontacts-l RHIC Contacts
Rhicii-em-l Working group on electromagnetic probes.
rhicII-science-l Discussions for the upcoming series of workshops and subsequent working groups on RHIC II science
Riken-l [no description available]
Rivet-ep-l [no description available]
Sbnd-l [no description available]
Sbu_attendees-l [no description available]
Scheduler-dev-l Forum to discuss development work on the STAR Scheduler project
Sciserver-csi-l [no description available]
Sdcc-staff-l Scientific Data & Computing Center staff
Sdcc_users-l Scientific Data & Computing Center
Silicon-detectors-l Novel Silicon Detectors R&D Activities in Institutes around BNL area
Snews-alert This is the SNEWS Supernova Alert list
Snews-downtime SNEWS Downtime
Snews-wg [no description available]
Snews2.0-alert SNEWS2 Next Galactic Supernova Alert mailing list
Snews2.0-firedrill SNEWS2.0 "firedrill" alert list
Snnet The SNEWS general discussion mailing list
Soccer-l BNL BERA Soccer Club
sPH-CALO-2017-001-l Discussion of sPHENIX note sPH-CALO-2017-001
sPH-CALO-2017-002-l Discussion of sPHENIX note sPH-CALO-2017-002
sPH-cQCD-2017-001-l Discussion of sPHENIX note sPH-cQCD-2017-001
sPH-cQCD-2017-002-l Discussion of sPHENIX note sPH-cQCD-2017-002
sPH-GEN-2017-001-l Discussion of sPHENIX run plan note
sPH-HF-2017-001-l sPHENIX - analysis note for HF-jet simulation
sPH-HF-2017-002-l sPHENIX
sPH-JET-2017-001-l sPHENIX Collaboration
sPH-TRK-2017-001-l sPHENIX Collaboration
Sphenix-bulk-l sPHENIX bulk physics topical group
sPHENIX-calibration-l [no description available]
sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l sPHENIX cold QCD topical group
sPHENIX-EC-l sPHENIX Executive Council
sPHENIX-EIC-l sPHENIX discussion of EIC issues
sPHENIX-electronics-l sPHENIX discussion of electronics
sPHENIX-EMCal-l sPHENIX EMCal discussion
sPHENIX-forward-l sPHENIX discussion of forward physics and instrumentation
sPHENIX-HCal-l sPHENIX HCal discussion
sPHENIX-HF-jets-l sPHENIX heavy flavor jet topical group
sPHENIX-IB-l sPHENIX Institutional Board
sPHENIX-Infra-1 [no description available]
Sphenix-integration-l sPHENIX integration effort
Sphenix-intt-l [no description available]
Sphenix-irc01-l [no description available]
Sphenix-irc03-l [no description available]
sPHENIX-jet-structure-l sPHENIX jet structure topical group
sPHENIX-jobs-l job announcements of interest to sPHENIX collaborators
sPHENIX-juniors-l To communicate with the juniors of the sPHENIX collaboration.
sPHENIX-l sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.
sPHENIX-magnet-l sPHENIX discussion of the superconducting solenoid
sPHENIX-MAPS-l sPHENIX MAPS tracker discussion
Sphenix-mbd-l sPHENIX MBD
sPHENIX-notes-l Generic discussion sPHENIX experiment
sPHENIX-physics-l sPHENIX discussion of physics
sPHENIX-planning-l sPHENIX Planning
Sphenix-production-l [no description available]
Sphenix-rhic-l [no description available]
Sphenix-run-l Commissioning and running of sPHENIX
sPHENIX-sEPD-l sPHENIX Event Plane Detector discussion
sPHENIX-software-l sPHENIX discussion of software
Sphenix-test-l [no description available]
Sphenix-tpot-l Discussion of the sPHENIX TPC Outer Tracker
sPHENIX-tracking-l sPHENIX tracking discussion
sPHENIX-trigger-l sPHENIX discussion of trigger and DAQ issues
sPHENIX-upsilons-l sPHENIX Upsilon topical group
Sphenix-zdc-l Discussion of sPHENIX ZDC, SMD, and local polarimetry
Spin-discussion-l RHIC Spin Collaboration Discussion List
Sri2015-l 12th Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation
Star-antihe4-l [no description available]
Star-baryonjct-l [no description available]
Star-bes-paper-l STAR BES paper writing committee
Star-bnl-l list for the STAR local BNL group + local guests
Star-centrality-l STAR centrality focus group
Star-daq1000-l STAR's DAQ Upgrade (DAQ1000) Mailing List
Star-det-opr-l Certified STAR detector Operators List
Star-dilepton-l [no description available]
Star-dst-l STAR experiment discussions on data formats (DST)
Star-etof-l STAR endcap time-of-flight upgrade
Star-fcs-l STAR forward calorimeters upgrade
Star-fcv-l STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG
Star-fms-l STAR mailing list to discuss FMS matters
Star-fwd-software-l FWD Software
Star-fwd-upgrade-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-299-l STAR GPC #299
Star-gpc-326-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-327-l STAR GPC 327
Star-gpc-328-l STAR GPC 328
Star-gpc-329-l STAR GPC 329
Star-gpc-330-l STAR GPC 330
Star-gpc-331-l STAR GPC #331
Star-gpc-332-l STAR GPC #332
Star-gpc-333-l STAR GPC #333
Star-gpc-334-l STAR GPC #334
Star-gpc-335-l STAR GPC #335
Star-gpc-336-l STAR GPC #336
Star-gpc-337-l STAR GPC #337
Star-gpc-338-l STAR GPC #338
Star-gpc-339-l STAR GPC #339
Star-gpc-340-l STAR GPC #340
Star-gpc-341-l STAR GPC #341
Star-gpc-342-l STAR GPC #342
Star-gpc-343-l STAR GPC #343
Star-gpc-344-l STAR GPC #344
Star-gpc-345-l STAR GPC #345
Star-gpc-346-l STAR GPC #346
Star-gpc-347-l STAR GPC #347
Star-gpc-350-l STAR GPC #350
Star-gpc-351-l STAR GPC #351
Star-gpc-352-l STAR GPC #352
Star-gpc-353-l STAR GPC #353
Star-gpc-354-l STAR GPC #354
Star-gpc-355-l STAR GPC #355
Star-gpc-372-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-374-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-375-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-376-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-377-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-378-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-379-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-380-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-381-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-382-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-383-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-384-l [no description available]
Star-gpc-385-l [no description available]
Star-howto-l [no description available]
Star-hp-l STAR HardProbes PWG
Star-jetfinding-l Mailing list on jet finding with STAR
Star-ml-forum-l STAR ML/AI techniques discussion
STAR-mtdtof-l [no description available]
Star-ops-l STAR experiment operations mailing list
Star-phys-l STAR experiment physics discussions
STAR-QAboard-l STAR QA Board
Star-rts-l Run Time System - support and discussions related to STAR's online systems
Star-scmgt-l This is for high-level STAR software and computing discussion among S&C leaders and experts.
Star-service-l STAR service work committee
Star-shiftcoordinator [no description available]
Star-softcoord-l [no description available]
Star-spin-l STAR cold QCD / spin physics working group
Star-stgc-l STAR sTGC upgrade
Star-talks-l [no description available]
Star-tcd-l STAR's TCD Users List
Star-tf-trkeff-l STAR task force for evaluating tracking efficiency uncertainty
Star-tf-tunepy-l STAR task force for tuning PYTHIA
Star-tpccalrev-l [no description available]
Star-tracking-l STAR Tacking Software Group
Star-triggerboard-l STAR trigger board mailing list
Starbnlg-l STAR BNL group issues and discussions
Starcalib-l [no description available]
Starcoun-l STAR Council Members
Stardaqimp-l [no description available]
Starembd-l STAR Embedding issues and discussions
stargmt-l STAR GMT assembly and start-up discussions
Stargrid-l STAR activities in the particle physics data grid
Starheavyiongroup-l [no description available]
Starhft-det-l STAR HFT subsystem detectors PXL,IST,SSD
Starhft-int-l STAR HFT integration issues and discussion
StarHFT-l Mailing list for the HFT
Starhft-soft-l STAR HFT software discussion
Starjuniors-l STAR Juniors
Starmail-l General STAR Exp.
Starpapers-l STAR Papers Discussion List
Starpp2pp-l Mailing list for pp2pp at STAR
Starprod-l discussion list for all aspects of STAR's offline data production
Starqa-l STAR discussions on Quality Assurance
Starsimu-l [no description available]
Starsoft-l STAR Software issues of broad interest
StarSSD-l Mailing list for the STAR SSD
Starstc-l Internal deliberations of STAR talks committee
StarTalks-l Internal deliberations of STAR talks committee
startrg-l STAR trigger email list
Summer-camp-l [no description available]
Surge-collaboration Communication for SURGE Collaboration
Swim-l BNL Swim Club
SysAdmin-l BNL System Administrators
Teambrewcrew [no description available]
Techqm-eloss-l [no description available]
Throughput-l [no description available]
Tuesday_moderatorandpanelists-l [no description available]
Tuesday_speakers-l [no description available]
Uboone-bnl-l [no description available]
Ultimate-l BNL BERA Ultimate Frisbee Club
Us-lsd-rd-l US Liquid Scintillator Detector R&D.
Usatlas-bnlcomp-l U.S. ATLAS computing at BNL
Usatlas-cernstaff-l [no description available]
Usatlas-compcontacts-l U.S. ATLAS Computing Contacts Mailing List
Usatlas-compnom-l U.S. ATLAS Computing Nominations Mailing List
Usatlas-computing-l U.S. ATLAS Computing Mailing List
Usatlas-computing-management-l U.S. ATLAS Computing Management Mailing List
Usatlas-csc-l US ATLAS Cathode Strip Chamber Group
Usatlas-ddm-l Atlas Distributed Data Management deployment and support
Usatlas-diskcleanup-notify-l [no description available]
Usatlas-faculty-l [no description available]
USATLAS-FederatedOps-l U.S. ATLAS Federated Operations Support Team Mailing List
Usatlas-grid-l U.S. ATLAS Computing Grid Discussions
Usatlas-heavyion-l For exchange of information for those interested in discussion of heavy ion physics with the ATLAS detector.
Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l US ATLAS HL-LHC computing discussion
Usatlas-hllhc-l1global-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade L1Global Mailing List
Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-doe-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies-DOE only Management Mailing List
Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies Management Mailing List
Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies-NSF only Management Mailing List
Usatlas-hllhc-l2l3-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Level 3 Managers Mailing List
Usatlas-hllhc-l2l3ics-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Level 3 Managers and Institute Contacts
Usatlas-hllhc-l2mgmt-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 Management Mailing List
Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade LAr Level 2 and Level 3 Managers Mailing List
Usatlas-hllhc-management-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Management Discussion
Usatlas-hllhc-POmgmt-l U.S. ATLAS Project Office
Usatlas-ib-l U.S. ATLAS Institutional Board
Usatlas-jig-l U.S. ATLAS Joint Integration Group (JIG)
Usatlas-l U.S. ATLAS general mailing list
Usatlas-l1-managers-l [no description available]
Usatlas-l2-managers-l [no description available]
Usatlas-mac-l U.S. ATLAS Management Advisory Committee
Usatlas-management-board-l U.S. ATLAS Management Board Mailing List
Usatlas-prodsys-l US ATLAS production & distributed analysis mailing list
Usatlas-qcd-l US ATLAS QCD Group
Usatlas-rac-l US ATLAS Resource Allocation Committee
Usatlas-safety-notify-l U.S. ATLAS Safety Notifications
Usatlas-sharedt3-l U.S. ATLAS Computing Mailing List
Usatlas-sm-l U.S. ATLAS sub-system Managers
Usatlas-studentwb-l U.S. ATLAS Institutional Board
Usatlas-support-l Provide a forum to discuss issues and problems when run applications on Open Science Grid
Usatlas-t2-l US ATLAS Tier 2 contacts
Usatlas-tdaq-phase2-construction-l US-ATLAS TDAQ Phase-II Construction Project planning
Usatlas-tier3support-l U.S. Atlas Tier 3 support list
Usatlas-u-l2-l U.S. ATLAS Upgrade Construction Level 2 Managers Mailing List
Usatlas-u-l2l3-l U.S. ATLAS Upgrade Construction Level 2 and Level 3 Managers Mailing List
Usatlas-u-l2l3mgmt-l U.S. ATLAS Upgrade Construction Level 2 and Level 3 Management Mailing List
Usatlas-u-l2mgmt-l U.S. ATLAS Upgrade Construction Level 2 Management Mailing List
Usatlas-u-pag-l U.S. ATLAS Phase I Upgrade - Project Advisory Group
Usatlas-u2-mno-l U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade M&O Mailing List
Usatlas-upgrade-ph1-lar Phase-I LAr upgrade principals
Usatlas-upgrade_rnd-l U.S. ATLAS Upgrade R&D Mailing List
Usatlas-users-l U.S. ATLAS Computing Facility users
Usatlas-wbs23-l US ATLAS WBS Area 2.3 Facilities
Usatlas-wbs23-mgt-l US ATLAS WBS Area 2.3 Managers
Users-center-employee-facility-users-l BNL employees who are users of a CAD facility
Users-center-pr-contacts-l Users' Center public relations contacts
Userscenter-cc [no description available]
Userscenter_rhic_news_distribution-l Distribution list for RHIC Newsletter
Userscenter_rhic_news_editorial-l Editorial Board for RHIC Newsletter
Userscentercontacts-l RHIC & AGS experimental admin/secretarial staff
USNDP-l [no description available]
Usqcd-scidac5-wp1-l [no description available]
Usqcd-scidac5-wp2-l [no description available]
Usqcd-scidac5-wp3-l [no description available]
Vb-l BERA Volleyball Club
Vendors-l NSLS-ll and CFN Users' Meeting Exhibitors
Virtual-programs-l [no description available]
Virtual-swim-l [no description available]
Vtcwg-l Video Teleconferencing Working Group
Wbls-analysis-l WBLS simulation and analysis group
WBLS-l Water-based Liquid Scintilator
Wbls-r-and-d-l Water Based Liquid Scintillator R and D list.
Windows-working-group-l Discussion of issues affecting Windows Operating systems
Winp-3nu [no description available]
Winp-astronu [no description available]
Winp-large [no description available]
Winp-nuint [no description available]
Winp-nuprop [no description available]
Winp-rd [no description available]
Winp-reactor [no description available]
Winp-sbn [no description available]
Winp-small WINP "small" (self-contained) experiments
Winp-source [no description available]
Winp-sterile [no description available]
Winp-theory [no description available]
Winp-upgrade [no description available]
Workflow-l [no description available]
Workshop_attendees-l [no description available]

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